Aims of the project

BMSZKI’s First Step project aimed to develop the employability, promote independent living and social integration of 67 homeless people with low chances and limited employment opportunities on the labour-market through personal development plans and social work (individual case-work and group social work).

More specifically:

  1. Offering a chance to chronic homeless with low labour-market status (low education, out-of-date vocation or permanently inactive) who may be re-integrated to the labour market and independent housing with success. We offer a chance to resume and organize self-sustainment.
  2. Offering a chance to those who have just lost their housing due to permanent unemployment, to prevent them from permanent homelessness and facilitate their reintegration to the labour market and independent housing as soon as possible.
  3. Developing long-term efficiency and effectiveness of helping professionals at BMSZKI and its partnercooperating institutions by case manager system and case discussions. These help clientusers and their helpers to learn that the aim is to become independent of service provider institutions and reach (supported or not supported) self-sustainment through partnership and cooperation.