A wide range of services and activities promoting employability (individual and group social work, individual development, group trainings, etc.) is offered to users engaged in the program. Members of the target group can take part in group sessions twice a week and two kinds of individual development sessions on the average. This does not mean that participation in four sessions a week is obligatory for all users, but some people can take part in more developmental activities if they wish – according to their personal development plan (their needs and capacity).
During the project the following activities are implemented:
1. Preparation of tailored development and service plans that define the direction of individual case management and the range of available services.
2. Programs improving mental state
- Individual psychotherapy
- Creative group
- Mental health thematic group
- Individual psychological counseling
- Ports (pl. film club, peer support group, psychodrama, socio drama, assertive group, etc.)
- Other free-time programs that improve well-being and level of activity (e.g.: sports – using our “gyms”, library visits, play group, gardening, etc.)
3. Developing learning competencies (key competencies), helping our users into training and to stay in training
- Individual catch-up courses and preparation for exams for 1-4 grades of elementary school
- Referral to catch-up courses of higher grades of elementary school (5-6, 7-8, 9-10 grades)
- Referral to vocational training (National Training Register)
- Development of key competencies (individual tutoring in grammar and arithmetic in particular)
- Learning basic use of computers and Internet in a module system in our IT rooms
- Support group for those applying for training
- Support group for those in training
4. Activities promoting employment
- Job-seekers’ training
- Preparation for getting employed (replacing missing documents, writing a CV, etc.)
- Tailored help in finding a job (through on-line and off-line job advertisements and keeping in touch with employers)
- Information and counseling on getting employed
- Skills development group for job-seekers
5. Programs promoting recovery from substance abuse
- Addiction group
- Relapse prevention group
- Allow participation in AA and other self-help groups by providing a room for sessions
- Individual addiction counseling
- Help in access to a specialist’s care
6. Preparation for independent living and leaving homeless services
- Group sessions promoting integration/reintegration
- Individual development (preparation for independent management of issues)
- Basic household management
- Finding available rentals
- Help in moving out
7. Follow-up of users during another 6 months