
The partnership consists of:

Arrels logó Arrels ('Roots'), an NGO devoted to serve homeless people in Barcelona since 1987, is an entity where everybody collaborates. Homeless people provide knowledge through their experience and critical view, the volunteers team makes it possible to rebuild bonds with the most vulnerable people and the professionals add their technical skills and the continuity of the processes.
BMSZKI logó The Budapest Methodological Centre of Social Policy and Its Institutions ('BMSZKI'), which is the largest provider of services for homeless people in Budapest and offers a wide range of services, as well training courses for staff.
Menhely Alapítvány logó Menhely Alapítvány ('Shelter Foundation') provides wide range of social assistance to homeless people in Budapest and fosters cooperation among various units of society since 1989. They also operate the 'Fedél Nélkül' ('Whithout Roof') street paper with art works.
Platform for social housing Platforma pro Sociální Bydlení ('The Czech Platform for Social Housing') is an umbrella organisation that unites 79 members - service providers, experts in thefield of social housing and people in housing need, advocating for a Social Housing Bill that would end homelessness in the Czech Republic. One of the members of the Platform, IQ Roma servis has specific experience and training in housing stability support services based on Housing first principles.
St. Mungo’s logó St. Mungo’s provides safe places to live and help people recover from the issues that create homelessness since 1969. The Learning and Development Team are expert at training staff and volunteers in a wide range of skills to ensure that the services for people who are homeless are second to none. All their training is delivered by experienced practitioners who bring their practical knowledge to the courses they run.
Vvary logó V va Ry ('No Fixed Abode') was founded by homeless people themselves 30 years ago. The organization aims to influence Finnish housing policies to get rid of shelters and make it possible for everyone to live in his or her own apartment. They have a long history of participation and peer support work done by homeless people – the first ten years they ran completely on a voluntary basis, and the first person to be employed was a former homeless man.