- Address: Budapest, 1134, Dózsa György út 152., Hungary
- Contact person: Boróka Fehér (
Boróka Fehér is a social worker, with a PhD in Social Policy. She has been working with homeless people and services since 1999, first as a key worker, than as a service manager, and later on as a policy expert. She is a part time lecturer at the Faculty if Teacher Training of the Károli Gáspár University of Hungary. Between 2010-2012 she was a member of FEANTSA’s Participation Working Group, and is currently on its Housing Rights Experts Group.
Casa Ioana
- Contact persons:
- Ian Tilling (
- Cristina Enache,
Ian Tilling is a social entrepreneur who first visited Romania in 1990 before settling in 1992. A retired UK police officer; he founded Casa Ioana in 1995.Ian represents Romania at the European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless (FEANTSA), sits on its Executive Council and is its Treasurer. He also chairs FEANTSA’s Participation Working Group.
Cristina Enache joined Casa Ioana as a social worker in February 2007 and coordinates the activities in one of Casa Ioana’s family accommodation centres. She is a qualified social worker and holds a Masters in “Human Resources Management”.
- Address: 194 Chaussée de Louvain, Bruxelles 1210, Belgium
- Contact person: Maria José Aldanas
María joined the FEANTSA team in September as a Project Officer in charge of the project, “Guide to Housing First in Europe”. She previously worked for the Spanish FEANTSA Member, Provivienda. A lawyer, Maria holds a Masters in “Migration” and wide experience in projects aimed at facilitating access to adequate housing for disadvantaged groups, including homeless people. She has been a member of the FEANTSA Housing Working Group since September 2006.
Habitat for Humanity - Habitat for Humanity Hungary
- Address: Hungary, 1065, Hajós utca 9. Magyarország
- Contact persons:
- Luca Koltai (
- Andrea Szabó (
Ius Medicinae Foundation
"Housing First - evidence-based advocacy." Fundacja Ius Medicinae
- Address: ul.Nowogrodzka 62 A lok. 315, 02-002 Warszawa, Poland
- Contact person: Julia Wygnanska (
Julia Wygnańska works for Ius Medicinae Foundation as the Research Coordinator for the “Housing First – Evidence based Advocacy” Project ( which aims at improving knowledge for potential implementation of Housing First programs in Poland. She is a researcher committed to the idea of policy oriented research and attempts to reinforce the knowledge of homelessness and housing exclusion to stakeholders in Poland, presenting the world's best practices and initiating innovative programs to support people experiencing marginal housing situations. Since 1996 she has collaborated with the Warsaw Council for the Homeless - Dialogue Commission on Homelessness of the Municipality of Warsaw. In 2004-2009 she was a member of the European Observatory on Homelessness FEANTSA. In 2012 -2014 she worked for the Camillian Mission for Social Assistance where she established Advocacy Program: Research, Cooperation and Transparency.
- Address: Kollárova 16, Ostrava 70900, Czech Republic
- Contact persons: Mgr. Katerina Caputova (
Katerina Caputova started to work with Association of Shelters in the Czech Republic on the beginning of 2013. She is responsible for European projects in which association is taking a part. She studied Sociology and International Relations at University in Brno, Czech Republic. During her studies she took a part in various volunteers project targeting socially disadvantages people in Czech Republic, France and Brazil.