The first joint training session of our project took place in Ljubljana between May 15-17. We visited a woman and her baby in supported accommodation, to hear about her life and experience. We also exchanged challenges as well as good practices and experiences about the special needs of homeless women who become pregnant, who live in a situation of homelessness or severe housing deprivation, or who might have been separarated from their child(ren). The presentations of the meeting are available here:

Intro note FEANTSA

BMSZKI needs assisment women and children

Magpie project_Safe space for homeless mothers and children in inner London

NEA_Finnish National Program for Securiting Housing For Women

projekt UDENFOR- not document about Mother with Children in Denmark

St Mungos Pregnancy Toolkit

St. Albert Shelter for Single Women and Mother with Children in Lodz

Suppert for Mother and Child_Fundacja Pokolenia_Poland

Zielone Wzgore Foundation Poland Healing Broken Connection